MOHE: DK061 (B)

What is APEL .C
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Credit (APEL.C) is an assessment process that evaluates an individual's informal and non-formal learning based on accumulated experience, encompassing knowledge and skills, to grant credit transfers for courses within their program.
The core focus of APEL.C lies in assessing the individual's ability to apply learning gained from experiences to meet the course’s learning outcomes.

Why APEL .C for Credit Transfer
APEL.C offers a pathway to gain academic credit for skills and knowledge acquired through work, life experiences, or informal training.
Accelerate Educational Goals
Reduce the time and cost needed to complete a degree or diploma by awarding credit for what you've already learned.
We are highly responsive to inquiries and dedicated to processing your application promptly.
We are recognized under Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).
If you have already applied before, please click the button below to check your application status by keying in your IC No. (Malaysian) or your Passport No. (Non-Malaysian)
Check Your Application Status Here
Application Form
Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks for our executives to process each applications. You may also check after 3 working days to see if your application is qualified.